Woo hoo! Wednesdays at White Hare Gallery

White Hare galler

White Hare gallery in Hartland is gearing up for Christmas with late opening from today plus a special Woohoo Wednesday 10% off offer…….

Artist and author, Clive Brocklehurst, offers some delightful cards and paintings for you to buy, so give it a try….
We are open late every Wednesday evening from 6th November
up until Christmas
and from 6.00 ‘til 7.30pm
bring the attached voucher and proclaim “Woo Hoo!”* to get 10%* off
all gifts and greetings cards (excludes Christmas Cards)
AND when you make a purchase on Wednesday evenings during November
you get ANOTHER VOUCHER FOR 10% OFF on Woo Hoo Wednesdays in December
Woo hoo! Wednesdays at White Hare Gallery