Summer at Hartland Quay

We seem to be back to the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, as I look out of my window to find us shrouded in mist (sea mist, I hope, as that tends to clear, but it may just be low cloud).

We seem to be back to the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, as I look out of my window to find us shrouded in mist (sea mist, I hope, as that tends to clear, but it may just be low cloud).

Autumn has its own attractions here on the Hartland Peninsula. but summer sunshine is my favourite, so to remind us, just a little, here are some photos taken in August at one of my favourite spots in all the world, Hartland Quay.

You can see the magical island of Lundy in the distance – it has looked beautifully clear of late.

The gulls are part of the attraction of the area – song of the seaside


Locals love the Quay just as much as visitors. You will often find people sitting outside, socialising, in what must be one of the most beautiful spots in England, enjoying a drink at the Wreckers. It is also not uncommon to have small gatherings for birthdays – a picnic by the sea. And then there is swimming/body boarding (though be careful as no lifeguards in situ).

What is wonderful is that the sea here is amazing whatever the weather – and a storm can be dramatic, as the spray from the waves hits the car park! Whatever the season, it is well worth a visit.





Lundy via zoom



Rare to see Hartland quay this crowded….but then the tide is in.

Some friends of ours admiring the view….







Summer at Hartland Quay