The coast path, public footpaths and trails wind in and out of woodland and fields literally carpeted, at different times, in vast drifts of flowers. Depending on when you visit, you will see: snowdrops (Jan/Feb); primroses (Jan – Apr); bluebells (Apr-May); daffodils (Apr-May); thrift (Apr-May); wild garlic (May-Jun); orchids (spring and summer); sea campion (Jun – Aug); heather (late summer) and gorse (year round).
Particularly visit: Brownsham Woods for bluebells, primroses and garlic; Hartland Abbey for their snowdrop, bluebell and daffodil weekends; Clovelly Woods for bluebells and garlic; and Bursdon Moor for rare orchids and wildflowers. See the Beaches and Beauty Spots map.
Plant Walks
Always wanted to be able to name the wild flowers? Plant Walk are a local Hartland-based venture that offer botanical walks, guided walks or simply accompanied rambles, specifically to point out and name the wild flowers, and give you a little folk lore and background. Clare Gurton is a wild plant enthusiast and writer with a passion to pass on for wild flowers. The weekly guided walks are open to children and adults for a small fee, individually tailored walks for you and/or your family are just a little more. See the website for more.