Sausage Extravaganza

Sausage and Mash Night at Hartland Parish Hall

Sausage and Mash night in Hartland, brought to you by the organisers of Hartland Farmers’ Market.
Taking place on October 6th from 6-9pm in the Parish Hall, is a celebration of Devon’s finest sausages in a baners and mash extravaganza. 6 different sausages, 3 mashes and 3 gravies make for 54 winning combinations. Vegetarian options available, as are local home made puddings and locally-brewed beers and ales from Forge Brewery. Local sausage makers will have stalls open so you can buy them throughout the evening. You can vote for Sausage Champion of North Devon and enjoy live music. Test your brain in the Sausage Quiz and your muscles in the arm-wrestling competitions! £6.50 for adults, £4.50 for children to include food and entertainment. £7.50 and £5.50 on the door.
Book via Rod Landman 01237 441786
Sausage Extravaganza