Jenny bringing visitors to Hartland

You may not know this but lots of German travellers adore the Hartland Peninsula, so Jenny Curtis-Beard annually goes along to the major Stuttgart Travel Fair to promote our beautiful area, and the south west generally.

You may not know this but lots of German travellers adore the Hartland Peninsula, so Jenny Curtis-Beard annually goes along to the major Stuttgart Travel Fair to promote our beautiful area, and the south west generally.

Hartland Peninsula stand in Stuttgart

The great news is that there were far more visitors this year than for several years previously.
In spite of the continuing recession, there was little or no evidence of anybody cutting down on their holidays. The CMT in Stuttgart is generally regarded as the leading Travel Fair in Germany, and this year was no exception. The vast crowds visiting on the first Saturday and Sunday made stand-holders fearful as to whether their brochure supplies would last for the full nine days! It was certainly touch and go.
Jenny adds a touch of the Union Jack to stand out
Jenny’s stand was in same key position as usual right on the top corner as the visitors enter the first main hall. This year, as well as covering it with the usual enticing photos and slogans, she again embellished it with a few strategically-placed Union Jacks to make it stand out yet more.
Although the Euro has weakened somewhat against the pound, the exchange rate was still sufficiently favourable for people to favour Britain as a destination. Aided by the photos and brochures on the stand, Jenny was able to persuade a lot of people that a holiday in England, and more specifically in the south west, is something they would thoroughly enjoy. And we’re sure they will.
Brochures including the Hartland Peninsula

The German visitors also love Cornwall partly because of Rosamunde Pilcher’s THe Shell Seekers

Without having to wax lyrical about the wonderful coastline, villages, gardens and attractions of south west England (the photos on the stand speak for themselves), Jenny was able to give the people the brochures that they needed to whet their appetites, and which contained the relevant websites to enable them to research more thoroughly when they got home.

So here’s looking forward to many more German visitors to the Hartland Peninsula in 2013.
Jenny bringing visitors to Hartland