Feed the birds…

Despite it being a touch grey, wet, and blustery at times, it has so far been a mild winter. Snow looks very pretty and grey is a little drab, but freezing conditions make life really difficult for the local wildlife, not to mention local people who can often be stuck at home as single track roads become impassable.  Read our latest Hartland blog on feeding the local wildlife.

Despite it being a touch grey, wet, and blustery at times, it has so far been a mild winter. Snow looks very pretty and grey is a little drab, but freezing conditions make life really difficult for the local wildlife, not to mention local people who can often be stuck at home as single track roads become impassable.  Read our latest Hartland blog on feeding the local wildlife. http://hartlandpeninsulasource.blogspot.com/2012/01/feed-birds.html#!/2012/01/feed-birds.html

Feed the birds…