Membership Payment Page 2024


Thank you for joining.

We’ll send you an invoice for your records, but to complete your membership you’ll need to make your payment. 
(Please note, if you already pay by monthly direct debit you need do nothing as these payments will just continue.)

Method 1

You can pay online as follows (by secure one-off or monthly direct debit, using GoCardless):

Method 2

Or you can make payment via your own online banking to the HPA bank account (please use your business name as your reference):

Account Name: Hartland Peninsula Association
Sort Code: 40-10-17
Account Number: 41357360

Method 3

Alternatively, you can pay by cheque

payable to Hartland Peninsula Assocation
Send to:

The Treasurer (HPA)

c/o The Resurgence Centre

School Lane 

EX39 6BS

Any questions?

  • For HPA website and brouchure queries, please email us at [email protected] or telephone Donal Stafford 07903302298 
  • For membership payment queries, email Mark Gough at [email protected]


Want to get involved?

We could always use more help and if you’d like to get involved, please contact us at [email protected] to discuss.