May’s Farmers’ Markets



 With the first Sunday of May falling on the 4th the farmers market team had no trouble choosing this month’s special theme: super powered food.

The coincidental link to Star Wars is a fun starting point to look out for food that gives you that bit of extra strength we all wish for in Spring.
As an extra to the 20+ usual stalls selling everything from fish, cheese, organic vegetables, bread and cakes to freshly roasted coffee, olive oil and game meat, the May market will offer the chance to taste some surprising, unusual, but always easy to self made recipes such as beet root meringes, extra cocoa rich brownies with carrot icing or nettle & cracked pepper cheese and – for the many that sadly missed out at the last market – more of the popular wild garlic bread rolls. As at the previous market you can pick up a free leaflet with all the recipes and information.
And for the Star Wars lovers there will be free Darth Vader and Yoda treats.


May’s Farmers’ Markets